Recently, anyone not in agreement with the Marxist proposals floated out there by BHO has been labeled "racist." Joe Wilson and all 9/12 protesters have been labeled as such, so I'm now declaring that if "racist" means "opposition to BHO and his ilk," then I am proud to say that I AM A RACIST!!!
I guess that makes me a proud racist too. I have black friends that I love, but I guess they will just have to deal with my new label because I am not backing down on my opposition of Barack Obama.
First we were mobsters, now we have a new name. What do you think the next one will be?
Since I'm against Marxism and a protester, I guess I'm a racist mob member.
LCR: WOO HOO!!! Welcome to the club! lol
Go back a week and a half to my post at KOOK's called "confesssions of a racist." This is happening because they (the liberal media and liberal government) are coming to grips the fact that well over a million people marched in protest against them in DC alone and this was quite probably the biggest protest march in American history if you add the total DC protests with supporting protests around the country. There were too many people with too many cameras and too many blogs. So the last ditch effort to separate the protestors and those against their agenda from the rest of America is to play the "race card."
Andrew: My theory is that if we embrace the moniker given to us by the libs under the definition I gave, the term no longer becomes effective. Then they have nothing left.
Yup, I sure a PROUD and card carrying RACIST!
Might as well throw in all their other "scary" names meant to silence us. Right Wing Domestic Terrorist, wingnut, conspiracy theorist. Mobster, etc. etc. etc.
Name it and Claim it! That's all they can throw out there, because they know they have NOTHING else!
BOF: Absolutely nothing. I'll have to email you with the secret handshake. lol
Congrats on the publication! I'm very proud of you!
I'm in. And I'm a proud member of " the party of no," also.
Whatever label they want to pin on me, I'll wear it with pride. As long as America is still really America - not Amerika - in January 2013, when we wave goodbye to Dear Leader.
Hey Soloman! I'll be waving goodbye to BHO with both fingers! :-D
to be called a racist, means we actually have a convincing argument....
Pedaling: And a most intelligent one, too. I usually gauge an argument's effectiveness by how much whining and screaming comes from the libs. And the Whine-o-Meter is off the charts right now.
Thanks for reading!!
you don't have to admit it. the southern poverty law center already sais as much. stand by for a coming post on those dudes.
j: I can't wait! I can't stand those scumbags!
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