I was very glad to give my copy of Ayn Rand's book,
Anthem, to my Limbaugh baby this weekend for him to read when he's not working on his senior project for college. The only Rand book I've read yet, it has become one of my favorite books of all-time behind
A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens.
In recent generations, we've headed down the road to collectivism while destroying the idea of people as individuals. How did we get here?
Many liberals see the Constitution as a set of collective, not individual, rights. They could not be any further from the truth. Yet we now have leadership in this country that seeks to confer rights on the population as a whole. Their reasoning is always the same: It benefits the country as a whole. Do they really believe that the First Amendment is a collective right and that the stifling of such is a necessary evil to benefit the collective population? I'd say the answer to that question lies in the mere fact that an appointment of a Diversity Czar was made. How long will it be before we start speaking like the characters in
Anthem, using "we" for "I"?
We have already seen that the Sec
ond Amendment has been argued as a right bestowed to the state as a separate entity instead of free, law-abiding individuals. Thankfully, the Supreme Court saw fit in
District of Columbia v. Heller to rule on the side of the individual's right to keep and bear arms. But for how long? Will another case eventually reach the high court on the same premise, and will they rule the same?
The colonial settlers of Jamestown experimented with collectivism and redistribution of property. People raised crops and produced goods that went into a common "pool," and then all gathered goods were distributed equally among the settlers. Of course, it took little
time for some to realize that they didn't have to work as hard as their neighbor because they were still going to get the same amount of goods. It was, in some respect, a fledgling welfare program. Governor Bradford realized the coming destruction of a young settlement through collectivism and put a stop to the madness. He alloted each family a parcel of land to work as they saw fit, or not, if they so desired. The redistribution of goods was no longer going to be a practice in Jamestown. The birth of capitalism in this infant country had been brought about.
The Great Society programs of the 20th century succeeded only in destroying the ideal of the individ
ual. Taking from those who prosper and giving to those deemed "worthy" in the name of compassion has gone from something abhorred by the Founding Fathers to what some consider an entitlement. Once again, the free choice of the individual has been trumped in favor of the collective. The rebirth of Communism and collectivism in this great country has been realized. And the Founders are weeping.
Communist countries still exist, bringing nothing but misery to the individual in favor of the State. Do you ever hear of anyone risking their lives on a raft to sail TO Cuba? Many nations, however, have seen fit to allow for individual liberty, and those nations have done well for the most part. They've seen the greatness of free people and have spoken resoundingly in favor of individualism. Our nation, unfortunately, is on a fast track to what those countries once were.
We now stand poised on the brink of implementing yet another form of collectivism in the name of "compassionate healthcare for all." When did we lose sight of the individual? Free individuals given the capacity to be creative for their own prosperity and that of their fellow citizens have accomplished many wondrous things, from life-saving medical breakthroughs and procedures to conveniences that have brought joy and comfort to the nation as a whole. THAT is what has made our nation unparalleled in the world. To take the individual out of the equation in the name of "the better good" is erasing just another line of the Constitution.
We, as individuals, must stand as one collective entity in voicing our opposition to those who wish to change our language from "I" to "we". Should we lose our individual uniqueness, we will never get it back.
Remember the sacred word: EGO.
i've often been accused of being an individual, not a team player. i've worn that title with pride for my entire adult life. it's natural and correct to do your personal best and put self interest ahead of others, (co-workers not family), in most instances. if others are to lazy to work, should we supply them with the same or near same trappings of the fruits of our labor? no, but that is what the libs would/are having us do.
good job pointing out jamestown many have forgotten that lesson.
Thanks j! Individualism has, unfortunately, become a dirty word in today's world. There's a time to be a team player, but not at the price of losing individuality. That's what's made this country great.
Pens won first preseason game! :-)
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