Friday, December 18, 2009

Ray Stevens onTaxes and Obamacare

Love these!!!


Timeshare Jake said...

That is awesome! I reposted at BBCW.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Fan, I couldn't help myself, I stole your Obamacare / Ray Stevens video. There will be a hat tip for you just under it. If you have any objection, let me know. I think it's too important not to show it everywhere.

Fredd said...

Yeah, ol' Ray's got his thumb on the pulse of the Zeitgheist.

Unfortunately, I suspect that the current majority is OK with this kamikazi vote coming up right on Chrsitmas eve. They'll fall on their swords now, get tossed out, but the damage will have been done.

Then in about 10 years from now, they'll saunter back in after the Republicans utterly fail at trying to make this garbage actually work. The Dems are the ones most familiar with how to use socialism to their advanage, and they will remain in the majority forever starting in, oh, say 2018.

blackandgoldfan said...

Thanks, BB! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

blackandgoldfan said...

No problem at all, Odie. Ray done did good!

blackandgoldfan said...

Fredd: I pray you're wrong, pal, but it's really hard to tell with the current leadership (or lack thereof) in Washington.

Wouldn't it be a true Merry Christmas if this thing went down in flames on 12/24?

Fredd said...

Yeah, I pray I'm wrong, too.

WomanHonorThyself said...

boooyah girl! wer'e expecting snow this weekend woohoo!!!!