In what has become a storm to remember, we are now at a total of three feet of the white stuff within a 24-hour period. Pennsylvania has been declared a state of emergency by Governor Ed Rendell, and the outlook for the rest of the week is bleak.
It started yesterday afternoon. While the prognosticators out of Pittsburgh were calling for 5-8 inches in the mountains, they couldn't have been more wrong. When it started, it didn't stop.
I was fortunate enough to have the morning shift yesterday at the bar. I figured I'd be out at about 5 p.m., enough time to still safely make it home. WRONG! The evening bartender called off, so guess who was stuck working. That's right....everyone's favorite B & G fan.
As the snow fell and my energy levels plummeted, the decision to close the bar early fell into my hands. Still, people decided they absolutely HAD to have a beer, so I chased them out ASAP and closed down. It was about 11:20 p.m. by the time I got done with all of my post-closing duties. Still, I didn't worry. I have a Honda CRV with all-wheel drive. No worries, eh?
What usually takes 10-15 minutes under clear conditions took me over 45 minutes. The hubby had called and said to go to his mom and dad's to await his call letting me know that the driveway was passable. Cars and trucks littered the roads the entire way home. Living near a ski resort, I'm used to seeing people who can't drive in the snow, but nothing of this magnitude. Even the most seasoned winter driver was going to have difficulty.
I arrive at my in-laws' house shortly after midnight. Psychotic from lack of sleep, I'm cranky, hadn't showered or brushed my teeth since leaving the house before work, and I had a bad headache. I tried to park my car and wait for the phone call announcing a clear driveway at home. Notice I said TRIED.
Getting my Honda stuck, I decide to do the unthinkable: wake my in-laws to let me in. I trudge through almost two feet of snow and get to the door. No one answers the doorbell, so I pull out my dying cell phone and call inside. My father-in-law comes down and opens the door.
Going upstairs, I place a call to the hubby.
"I'm at your parents'. I'm so tired I could cry, so screw plowing tonight. I'm getting a blanket and sleeping on their couch. Do not call and wake me in the morning; I'll call YOU. Love you, good night, and kiss the kids for me in the morning."
This morning, the decision to keep the bar closed came from my cousin. After hearing "state of emergency", I think that was a safe bet. Honestly, I REALLY hope we just keep it closed tomorrow. PennDOT is recommending people stay off the roads for at least 24 more hours.
Monday will be the day I go to Wal-Mart to stock up as Tuesday through Friday they are calling for another storm system to move in, dumping at least 4 to 5 inches on Tuesday. Bitter cold temps and drifting snow will also make things nasty.
I pray that everyone stays safe and warm. Please don't take chances if you don't have to. Masses have been cancelled for tomorrow with the bishop giving special dispensation. I figure if God had wanted me in church tomorrow, He would've stopped the snow at 3 inches.
Right now, Al Gore and Punxsutawney Phil are at the top of the B & G Shit List.
(Note: The photo is of the half pipe snowboard course at Seven Springs Resort, a ski resort near my home.)
Wow, what an ordeal, I've seen this on the news and I thought about you when they said 3 feet in PA. I'm glad you don't have to go out anymore. Just take it easy and I'm glad you're safe. I put up some funny stuff, you need a laugh after all that.
Chicago dodged the big snow THIS time, but around tuesday they are predicting a big storm. euuuuuewwww
I'm hating this winter, girl. I'll be glad for April. I figure that'll be about the end of the snow....I hope.
don't worry, in 3 to 10 years, according to gore and company, we will be live in a desert or atlantis.
As long as I don't have to shovel and can wear summer clothes year round, I'm game!
That sucks. That was quite an ordeal you went through. This is an insurmountable amount of snow. I am so happy to hear you made it home safe and sound. This has been one of the worst winters ever.
My husband's stuck and I'm stuck in different locations. UGH
The desert or atlantis is starting to sound real good about now.
Teresa: PLEASE be safe! You and your hubby will soon be together again. Most important is that you reunite safely.
Think we'll thaw out by June? lol
Be safe and warm. My Dad lives in Philadelphia and they got hit bad, too. His sarcastic comment, "Thank goodness for global warming...imagine how bad it would be without it, ha, ha."
TCL: Stayed in all day and all night. Main roads here are now passable, but black ice remains a problem.
Love Dad's comment! Smart cookie! ;-D
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