I thought I'd start at the top of the food chain with the Cap and Trade earmarks. Crap rolls downhill, right? I'm going to do this in parts because I don't want people's eyes to glaze over part of the way through.
The presidentially-directed earmarks were made by none other than Dear Leader himself through the House Interior and Environment Appropriations. Some of them were also requested specifically by House members, but I want to put those earmarks with those who made them, so I'll probably do that under the congressionally-directed side.
This is what Barry requested and received in the Cap and Trade bill. It seems pretty repetitive, but I want everyone to know how he's spending the money you work so hard for. Pay special attention to how much money was earmarked for land acquisition. Those of you who may own property bordering one of these refuges: be extra vigilant. This is the money they will use to buy what they want from you (a bribe) before using eminent domain should you refuse to sell.
Bureau of Land Management Construction Projects (12) -- Total: $6,202,000
- Bridgeport Access Trail -- $176,000
- Browning Ranch House Preservation -- $124,000
- CA Radio Fencing and Grounding Improvement - $537,000
- Campbell Airstrip Safety Fencing -- $190,000
- El Toro Creek Parking Project -- $1,209,000
- Five Mile Pass Recreation Site Facility -- $362,000
- Knolls Facility -- $381,000
- Lemhi River Total Maximum Daily Load Road Maintenance Phase IV -- $1,588,000
- Partners Point Waterline --$110,000
- Pelican Lake Recreation Site Reconstruction -- $697,000
- Sawtooth Campground -- $541,000
- Sharkey Hot Springs Renovation -- $287,000
- Blackfoot River Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) -- $4,500,000
- California Wilderness -- $500,000
- Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument -- $1,000,000
- Craig Thomas Little Mountain Special Management Area (SMA) -- $2,000,000
- King Range National Conservation Area (NCA) -- $2,000,000
- La Cienega ACEC/ El Camino Real De Tierra Adento National Historic Trail (NHT) -- $3,000,000
- Lacks Creek Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) -- $750,000
- Lesser Prairie Chicken Habitat ACEC -- $1,500,000
- Meeteetsee Spires ACEC -- $1,500,000
- Sandy River/Oregon NHT -- $2,100,000
- Upper Sacramento River ACEC -- $2,800,000
- Allegheny National Fish Hatchery (NFH), rehabilitate fish production and electrical systems -- $1,500,000
- Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Old Timbers Dam Phase I -- $100,000
- Fergus Falls Wetland Management District (WMD), Stang Lake Dam Phase II -- $175,000
- Guam NWR, invasive species fence construction -- $866,000
- Jackson NFH, replace water supply line -- $1,650,000
- Quinault NFH, replace electric fish barriers -- $1,000,000
- Turnbull NWR, Lower Pine Lake Dam Phase II -- $250,000
- Wichita Mountains WR, Lake Rush Dam Phase II -- $4,100,000
- Willow Beach NFH, water treatment (filters/wells) to remove Quagga mussel from water supply -- $482,000
- Alaska Maritime NWR -- $300,000
- Back Bay NWR -- $545,000
- Balcones Canyonlands NWR -- $1,000,000
- Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge (MBR) -- $500,000
- Big Muddy National Forest & Wildlife Refuge (NF&WR) -- $300,000
- Blackwater NWR -- $2,000,000
- Bon Secour NWR -- $500,000
- Bond Swamp NWR -- $1,200,000
- Cape May NWR -- $2,000,000
- Cherry Valley NWR -- $500,000
- Chicksaw NWR -- $500,000
- Cypress Creek NWR -- $500,000
- Dakota Tallgrass Prairie Wildlife Management Area (WMA) -- $1,000,000
- Edwin B. Forsythe NWR -- $1,100,000
- Ernest F. Hollings ACE (Ashepoo, Combahee, and South Edisto Rivers) Basin NWR -- $500,000
- Grasslands WMA -- $1,000,000
- James Campbell NWR -- $500,000
- James River NWR -- $1,000,000
- Laguna Atascosa NWR -- $500,000
- Leslie Canyon NWR -- $500,000
- Lower Rio Grande Valley NWR -- $1,000,000
- Nestucca Bay NWR -- $1,000,000
- Nisqually NWR -- $500,000
- North Dakota WMA -- $1,000,000
- Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR -- $500,000
- Panther Swamp NWR -- $500,000
- Patoka River NWR -- $1,150,000
- Prime Hook NWR -- $1,000,000
- Rachel Carson NWR -- $3,000,000
- Red River NWR -- $500,000
- Red Rock Lakes NWR -- $1,000,000
- Rocky Mountain Front Conservation Area (CA) -- $3,750,000
- San Bernard NWR - Austin's Woods Unit -- $2,500,000
- San Joaquin River NWR -- $2,000,000
- Sevilleta NWR -- $500,000
- Silvio O. Cooke NWR & Federal Register (FR) -- $2,250,000
- St. Marks NWR -- $500,000
- Togiak NWR -- $500,000
- Upper Mississippi River NWR&FR -- $1,500,000
- Upper Ouachita NWR -- $1,000,000
- Waccamaw NWR -- $600,000
- Willapa NWR -- $750,000
- Yukon Delta NWR -- $500,000
1 comment:
Since hot springs produce CO2, does this make any sense to include a CO2 producing earmark in a bill designed to reduce C02. :)
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