Dr. Orly Taitz, who represents Alan Keyes and others in calling for the release of the long-form birth certificate from Daddy O, is one fierce lady. Originally from Russia, she has no problem saying what she thinks. You're gonna love this!
You go, girl!!!
Grateful That It Wasn't Worse
7 years ago
It will be nice to have this matter resolved one way or the other.
I hear ya there, LL. I just thought it was great the way she made the interviewer look ignorant.
I'm not a birther myself, but MSNBC is ridiculous. What were they talking about, "isn't it true you hate muslims?" Is this really supposed to be journalistic excellency? There are only a handful of people stupid enough to think that line of reasoning works.
I'm told Fox News is supposed to be as bad on the right and I don't see it. MSNBC has an agenda and they are busy with it 24/7. They don't even hide it.
And MSNBC is part of that handful, c-gen. They're so blatant in their bias that I don't see how they can ever say they're journalists; they're commentators.
This is the first time I have ever agreed with Ann Coulter. This whole birther movement is nonsense and has what I feel are racist overtones. Dr. Taitz' claim that 85% of Americans say that President Obama wasn't vetted isn't even close to being true. A majority of people feel that ample proof has been given that President Obama is a U.S. citizen. Even if President Obama held a press conference and provided his birth certificate, the birthers still wouldn't be satisfied.
Malcolm: I'm going to respectfully disagree on a couple of issues.
The whole birther movement isn't about race; it's about transparency. McCain, Kerry, and many other presidential candidates have offered up their birth certificates, college, and military records for all to see. Skin color has NOTHING to do with it.
I posted this video not necessarily as a supporter of the birther movement. Frankly, I just wish he'd produce the long form certificate to put this issue to rest; it's the secrecy and possible disregard for the Constitution that bother me.
My intention with this video was to show just how the MSM treats those who may take issue with any policies or questions they don't like. I was glad to see someone out there stand up to interviewers who seem to enjoy trying to make dissenters look like nuts.
Thanks for reading whether we agree on issues or not. Intelligent, respectful debate is welcome here.
Malcom - I'm not a birther, but I agree with blackandgoldfan. When I went to get my marriage license, I had to leave and come back. They wouldn't except my drivers license and I only had my short form live birth certificate from the hospital. If I need to produce my long form to get married, I would hope that Presidential candidates would need to produce one.
Hi B & G! This was a great video, thanks for posting, I had never heard Orly speak at length! She held her own and then some against 2 very RUDE "journalists" btw that smug broad, tameran hall....little twit came out of chicago, she was on the morning news out here for a few years, she was a jerk back then, full of herself...now she really has an inflated ego, having going national! This could all be cleared up if he'd produce the long form...along with school, military, etc. etc. records!
Bunni: I thought Orly was soooo eloquent! She took on two of those snarky MSNBC wonks and won. I think her passion comes from the fact that she's lived under what we are headed for and she no likey!
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