Get ready folks. Here we go again.
It seems that the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions has already approved a government-run healthcare program that creates 84 new programs and allows for rationing of care through the Comparative Effectiveness Board. These are the people who will decide whether or not your treatment or the treatment of your loved ones is cost-effective. So much for being a free country!
Inside the legislation is also an earmark that Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) is criticizing as the largest in history.
"It has the biggest earmark in history, and it's a mandatory earmark that never ends," he points out. "It's $10 billion to Senator [Tom] Harkin's subcommittee, which will be used for bicycle trails and jungle gyms, and farmers markets, and lighting -- supposedly under the guise of prevention and wellness." Have you ever seen what happens to a playground erected in a Great Society community? The gangs can't wait to tag it, and from there it becomes a veritable marketplace for the drug dealers. It's almost as certain as the sun rising in the east.
Coburn say the partisan Senate healthcare bill contains no limitations on abortion or the taxpayer funding of abortion, and will leave an estimated 36 million Americans uninsured. I guess partial-birth abortion will fall into that category. As a pro-innocent-life supporter, this makes my stomach turn. And at what point will the government say: "You have too many kids. You MUST have an abortion." They must have been studying the Chinese way of life.
Taxpayer-funded abortions are a slap in the face to every American. Instead of putting the responsibility of an unplanned pregnancy on those who, for various reasons, find themselves in that situation, the burden is once again set to fall onto the already overburdened shoulders of those who are against it. Whether you support abortion or not, since when did it become our responsibility to pay for it? I forgot...we wouldn't want Sasha and Malia to have to live with a "mistake".
Let your voices (and those who can't speak for themselves) be heard! And if Congress turns a deaf ear, THEY NEED TO BE FIRED!!!
If a city wants to dedicate an area for a park or a bike trail, I say DO IT.
Why would I want the Federal Government to be involved in this sort of activity at any level? If they want to put something in the District of Columbia (one of the most screwed up areas in America) that they control, I guess that would be ok. But a permanent earmark? Permanent PORK.
You got it, LL. It makes me crazy how they are so free with OUR money.
A city or park should not be funded as a part of PORK under this health care bill. It is the responsibility of each separate city to provide, pay for and provide that, if they want to. My stomach turns also, when thinking of having to pay for abortions that I believe is immoral. F-that. I think I will rebel before that happens. WE must all work together to STOP Obamacare.
Teresa: I agree 100%. If a city wants a bike trail, playground, etc., then let THEM find a way to pay for it. To think that we are paying for parks that we will NEVER see is disgusting. You're right...we gotta stop this runaway freight train.
How do you get blue dogs and those who oppose the bill to vote for it? PORK! They will sell their own mother to the sex slave industry as long as these members of Congress can get their pork. It's shameful. It's really time to start the revolution. These politicians will soon be sorry they didn't listen to the people who elected them.
From your lips to God's ears, Clay! The time for wasteful spending and political favors is over if I have anything to do with it!
Thank God all this crap can and will be reversed by the wonderful people of this country. The attempt to stop free speech will be thrown out by the Supreme Court! Our Savior is doing his part and this will end, by whatever means he dictates!
Just Praising!
No problem, Mango. I believe that while we have free will, God does have his plan for us. I pray A LOT for this country under the present circumstances. And God does deserve praise!
They already have and they're still not happy, Angel!
I thought the Stimulus Bill had to be the worst piece of legislation that would ever work its way through Congress. I was SO wrong!
The fun just never ends, does it RK? Just when we think it can't get any worse...
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