I visited my son's high school today and asked if BHO's speech was going to be broadcast on Tuesday. The secretary in the office said she had no idea what I was talking about. Does she live under a rock?
The district administration building is next door to the school, so I strolled on over to speak to someone there. Again, I got the same answer from the office decoration behind the desk. While waiting for someone to finish a meeting to answer my question, the superintendent walked in. It was at that moment I decided to get answers from someone whose paycheck partially depends on me.
I asked him the same question. He told me that the district will NOT be broadcasting the speech on Tuesday because it was going to be too hard to get all the kids in classrooms at the same time. The district will, however, be taping it to allow teachers to use the speech as part of the lesson plan should they decide to do so. I proceeded to ask if there was an opt out clause for parents to take advantage of. He told me that, if it's being used as part of a lesson, there is no opt out option.
When asked if there would be advance parental notification, he said that the teacher may inform parents if they think there is objectionable material, but they are not required to do so. I said, "You mean like when they show 'An Inconvenient Truth'?" The color drained from his face.
The next step for me is to email the teachers to demand notification should they choose to use this crap in class. My kids will take a zero before I allow them to be indoctrinated.
Grateful That It Wasn't Worse
7 years ago
You might have to go sit in some classrooms and get this idiotic school straigtened out. They are taking the easy road to get the message to the students.
I know Ozark schools show Supersize Me without notifiying the parents. It upsets me because it's really anti-capitlalist rhetoric.
As someone who is against the "federal school system" with a parent who was a teacher who fought the feds coming in and taking over local schools under the guise that it was pure socialim, I salute you. My mom held them at bay with all sorts of lawuits and such crazyness but eventually the teachers' unions won and she quit teaching rather than join that union and use materials handed down from Washington DC and Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon/Ford and Jimmy Carter
My son's third grade school told the paper that they had no plans to show the chosen one (my description). She did say though that patents could choose to opt their kid in...? Are they showing it or not? Still waiting for them to return my call. My 10th grader's school told me that if a teacher wants to show it, you can opt them out and they will try very hard to get those forms home on Monday, which I reminded her was a holiday which she paused and said they will try to do it today.
I feel so much better now. Good luck on your end.
I feel for you, B&GFan. It's hard enough protecting your kids from all of the dangers out there, let alone having to protect them from the places we're mandated to send them for 6 hours a day. Hang in there, and keep putting them in their places.
On a GOOD note: Steelers' season starts in less than a week.
A little message from my mother who heroically fought the unionization and nationalization of the Tennessee School system along side Lamar Alexander(yes the RINO senator from Tennessee). She know more about fighting the school system thqan half of today's parents combined because she was a teacher, and sat on the local county and state boards of Education and then was an assistant to Lamar Alexander, then head of the TN state board of education. (Did you really think I got all my political knowledge from simple osmosis?) : Many parents do not realize that they have the right to show up at their childrens' school and sit in ANY CLASS THEY CHOOSE whether it is your child's or not. Refusal to allow you to do so is a violation of your Constitutional Rights since you help pay for that school.
BB: It makes my head just want to erupt. I will check into the classroom visitation. Thanks!
Andrew: I pray I have the same strength your mom had. God will determine that. :-)
Bryan: Keep on them. It's the only way we're going to defeat this. Good luck to you also!
Dr. Dave: Will do, bud. It's gonna be a long haul.
Can't wait for the first week!!!
I spoke with my son's teacher (Kindergarten), and she said she had better things to do than show the speech,like teaching letters and numbers. Very refreshing!!
I was told that the speech will not be shown in our school, but I figured I would reiterate the fact that we did not want our children to see it with each individual teacher. I tried to speak with my daughter's teacher after school, but she was busy, so I will be e-mailing her tonight!
j: That's great! How we need more teachers like that. I'd definitely get her a small token of appreciation, even if it's just a card (maybe made by your son?). Best of luck with your daughter's teacher. Keep me updated!
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