Politico.com is reporting that former Senator Rick Santorum may be more seriously considering making a run for the White House in 2012. Holy crap, I think there may actually be hope.
Santorum was on an RNC conference call aimed at attacking Snarlin' Arlen Specter when he said that he's considering a 2012 run because he feels the current administration is "injurious to America." Better watch, Rick. You'll be considered racist for disagreeing with Obama's policy. Heaven knows that average American patriots are being labeled as such.
"The dynamic has changed," Santorum said. "A lot of folks who might not have thought about running against an incumbent president" are now considering it.
"A lot of people are going to take a look and see what they can do to try to confront this presidency, which many of us -- as you're seeing from the tea parties and the like -- which many of us believe is injurious to America," Santorum said, saying the 2012 race is "something that I think I would consider."
Speculation about Rick's intentions was fueled earlier this year when he made a visit to Iowa. While he cited his visit as a speaking engagement to a pro-life group, the political buzz was that he was there to also get a feel for a possible run for the presidency. I guess that wasn't too far from the truth.
Being from Pennsylvania, I've heard from many people who either love or hate him. With Rick, there is no middle ground in that regard. He won't sell out his values for political favor, and that seems to not sit very well with the unions and entitlement crowds here. To think that he was voted out in favor of Bob Casey (D-PA), who just voted to let ACORN keep receiving our tax money, makes me wonder what the hell is in the water here.
To learn more about where Rick stands on the issues, click on the "Rick Santorum" label to view previous posts of mine. I think you'll like what you read.
Dare I "hope" for this "change?"
I like listening to him fill in for Bill Bennett. I think he will be interesting to watch. We really need someone to capture the conservative ideals. The problem we are going to have is Obama will run unopposed, unless Hillary jumps in. This will lead to Democrats jumping over and providing us with another McCain.
BB: I don't know. I think the American people have learned not to trust a McCain-style candidate. 2008 taught us a lot.
If any candidate can very eloquently capture the ideals of conservatives and libertarians, it's Santorum. Could you imagine how energized the base would be under a Santorum/Palin ticket?
The 2008 election was quite similar to the 1976 election. The press fawned over Carter and did all they could to make Ford look like an idiot. The political parties at the time were far less defined by conservatism or liberalism and Watergate was fresh on the minds of many Americans. Ford had a VP pick that was fresh on the national political scene. This VP pick went against the grain of the "limousine Republicans" and gave rousing speeches that drew large crowds and actually made the race somewhat competitive. That VP pick was called an idiot, a warmonger, and was even compared to Hitler by the press. That pick was Ronald Reagan.
Back to 2008, there was an attitude among Republican politicians that a moderate was needed to pick off moderate Dems and Independents. That attitude was festered by the MSM that knew that if the voters were given a choice between two Dems, that conservatives would sit at home on election day. In the relatively short time since the election, there have been many changes. Dems, whose numbers were increasing, are now losing numbers faster than Republicans. 40-50 of those polled in a recent "rasmussen" poll say they are now more conservative than in 2008. Liberal activist groups such as ACORN and APOLLO who have operated with impunity until 2008 are now operating under a microscope. Most importantly, 3 milllion Americans stood together from and in every state in the Union to protest Government corruption of all kinds.
There has been a fundamental shift in American politics. Many in the old media and in the Government will not realize the scope of these changes until next November, but I have seen firsthand the scope of these changes and you can see the first of many photos of the scope of these changes at KOOK's. We also have other ideas and concepts that we gathered in DC to share with you that will be forthcoming in the days and weeks ahead. You too will be able to be a part of the fundamental shift in American politics as the new media alllows Americans to shape political discourse rather than just a few talking heads working for a few media outlets to shape the political discussion in this country
Andrew: Glad you're back! You and KOOK have been missed!
The Washington wonks had better get their heads out of their posterior orifices and see that the American people are active, and we are mad as hell. We've spoken, and we're not about to shut up.
Mr. Santorum looks like a very good choice. I hope he brings some much needed cleaning to the political halls of shame.
Bunni: He stands on his principles and doesn't apologize. What you see is what you get. No show for anyone. I kinda like that!
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