Judicial Watch is reporting that Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, is facing a lawsuit filed by a prisoner seeking an abortion.
In the lawsuit, it has been alleged that by charging inmates a transportation fee Sheriff Joe is restricting a prisoner's "right" to kill her baby. The Eighth Amendment, which protects prisoners from cruel and unusual punishment, has been invoked in the 22-page filing. What about the baby's right to protection under the same amendment? Doesn't that count for anything?
Maricopa County charges inmates a fee between $300 and $600 for transportation and mandatory deputy escorts when going for
elective medical procedures such as abortion. Arpaio says that to not charge a fee would force the taxpayers to unfairly absorb the costs. And he's dead on. It's bad enough that the procedure itself is paid for by the taxpayers. Why should the inmate get a completely free ride and not have to shoulder some of the costs incurred?
While the only mention of the group filing the lawsuit on behalf of the prisoner is only described as a "notoriously liberal civil rights group," we can safely narrow it down to one of two groups: The ACLU or The Southern Poverty Law Center. Both are groups of America-hating progressives who wish to make social policy legislation. They say that by "unfairly" delaying abortions to inmates, Sheriff Joe risks the life of the mother as the risks associated with abortion increase with each passing week. What a load of dung!
Here's where the left is talking out both sides of their collective big mouths. On one hand, they're saying that delay increases the risk of complications in what is otherwise a safe procedure while advocating for partial-birth abortion on the other hand. If delaying abortion is so risky to the mother, then one would think that they're against the barbaric act of partial-birth abortion, which is most often performed in the last trimester of pregnancy. But they LOVE defending butchers who kill babies by delivering them breech, leaving the head in the birth canal, and vacuuming out the brain after inserting a pair of surgical scissors into the base of the skull.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio is using common sense in his administration of justice. For far too long, the "rights" of prisoners have been trumped over that of their victims and their families. It's about time we have a law enforcement official in this country who realizes that prison is not supposed to be a frickin' vacation. If you commit a crime, you should not be living better in prison than you may be living in the free world.
Sheriff Joe, keep up the great work. You're one hell of a patriot, and we love you.
If the ACLU felt so strongly about this case, they would save money in the long run by giving her the transportation money. They're not just after Sheriff Joe are they ?
great work hun..Hussein is setting his evil agenda and our country is allowing it!!!..ugh!
Odie: The left target dissidents??? GTF outta here!!! ;-)
Angel: It truly is evil. Do they ever stop to think that the cure for cancer or AIDS may have already been aborted?
great posts--glad I found your site..
Your are linked....
Christian soldier: Thanks! It's always great to welcome new readers. I say the more the merrier! :-)
I hate the ACLU and that southern "christian"...blah blah, bunch of America Hating scumbags that have done more to F-Up America than obummer, ALMOST.
I'm with you....if they care so much about this murdering criminal's "right" to murder her baby, let THEM pay for it. I love Sheriff Joe, and because he is a great Patriot, he's being targeted same as all other wonderful people, Glenn, Rush, Sarah, etc. etc.
I'm sick of their agenda's! You should @tweet this.
Sheriff Joe is on twitter!
I will have to follow him, BOF. He is one awesome lawman!
I did an @ tweet to him linking this. My latest post will help in cleaning up all the garbage we have to read about every day!
Bunni: I saw that sweets! You're the best! I added Joe to my "following" list on twitter. He da man!!!
Yup, they sure as hell don't make 'em like that anymore! And to think, Hollywood used to make movies about men like Sheriff Arpaio; men with fortitude, virtue, code of ethics and love of our great country.
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