As we approach Super Bowl Sunday, the feminists continue to launch an all-out assault against the scheduled ad featuring Gators quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam. This time, uber feminista lawyer Gloria Allred is leading the charge and promises to file a complaint with the FCC and FTC should she feel the ad is misleading.
The Huffington Post has run an article on Ms. Allred's allegations. Gloria has alleged that the story of Pam Tebow being told to abort her baby could be misleading due to a ban on abortion in the Philippines since 1930.

Allred, who has represented a myriad of famous people or launched them into the spotlight, says that she will file a complaint with the proper authorities should she find that the abortion ban was in place in 1987, the year Mrs. Tebow decided to put the fate of her and her baby in God's hands. Gloria says that if abortion was illegal in the Philippines in 1987, she has a hard time believing that a doctor would risk a six-year prison sentence for recommending one.
Pam Tebow and her husband, Bob, were missionaries in Manila in 1987 when Pam suffered a life-threatening infection. The drugs used to wake her from a coma and treat her dysentery caused placental abruption (a separation of the placenta from the uterine wall), and the doctors were expecting a stillbirth. They recommended she abort; Pam instead made the decision to carry to term. The rest is history.
Ms. Allred has screamed for so long about a woman's right to choose, that she is forgetting that Pam Tebow also made a choice: for God to do His will. Why is that choice never acknowledged by NOW? And if it is acknowledged, the spin they usually put on it is that a woman was put under so much pressure to carry her baby to term that she couldn't make what they feel is the only decision to be made.

Gloria Allred and her ilk are the gender movement equivalent to Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the rest of the race card players. Where Jackson and Sharpton see people of color as perpetual victims, Allred and friends seem to think that women will never be anything more than the victim of some conspiracy by a patriarchal society. How wrong she is.
When women refuse to be victims and take control of their own destinies, then Gloria will no longer garner her power from those who feel they have none. She will become irrelevant.
Maybe Gloria could bake some cookies for the Super Bowl. Nut cups come to mind...
I wouldn't eat anything Gloria Allred baked as it would more than likely be laced with her feminazi form of poison...
She is proof positive that evil exists in this world...
Amen, Born Again! Just hearing her speak is like nails on a chalkboard.
Isn't it amazing that when a woman chooses to carry her child to term, the 'pro-choice' think she has made a mistake? The only good (if it can be called 'good') thing about the 'pro-choice' movement is that they are losing their numbers day by day.
A baby is God's proof that His world will go on.
Thanks for your post. I'll be back.
Thanks, Linda. I think this whole younger generation is starting to realize that they could very well have been aborted by their mothers. And if they don't see it yet, they just may after seeing Pam and Tim Tebow's ad. If anything, it may give them food for thought.
This issue is starting to boil over, and I think liberals see that it will not be boiling in their favor with this ad.
Accordingly, they are going to fight this tooth and nail. One of these days, something is going to be the last straw, and we are going to resolve the divide by striking down Roe v Wade, I am wondering if this is the tipping point.
I hope so.
Hey Denise, Palin is coming to town on behalf of a local Right to Life group.
Cheers all round.
Fredd: I'm not sure if this will be the tipping point in the abortion debate, but it sure reveals the true colors of the feminists.
Ran: Hope you get to go, buddy!
Interesting your post says nothing about any REFUTATION of Allred's assertions. Dislike the messenger. Dislike her politics and her view on abortion. All well and good.
Is her assertions factual?
Bruce: I cannot give any refutation because I don't know what happened in Manila. The point I was making was simple.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that abortion has indeed been illegal in the Philippines since 1930. Flash to 1987. Pam Tebow decides to have an abortion illegally, risking a prison sentence. Present day. Pam Tebow takes her story to the airwaves in a commercial paid for by a private organization. Do you think that Gloria Allred, NOW, and Planned Parenthood would be asking for the ad to be yanked or that charges be filed? I don't think so.
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