At approximately 7 a.m. Eastern this morning, everyone's favorite furry weatherman will give his prediction for the rest of winter. After the winter we've had here, I'm hoping the news from Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney is optimistic.
Enter PETA, the animal rights group that thinks it's okay to throw paint on fur coats bought and paid for by someone else.
PETA thinks that it's time for Punxy Phil to hang up his Doppler radar and retire early, suggesting that the most famous groundhog be replaced with an animatronic imposter.
From the official PETA blog:
"...retiring Phil to a sanctuary and replacing him with an electronic groundhog. Phil is forced to be on display year round at the local library and is denied the ability to prepare for and enter yearly hibernation.... Add to that the displeasure of large, screaming crowds, flashing lights of cameras, and human handling."
That's right. PETA thinks that Phil's residence in the Punxsutawney Public Library for 364 3/4 days out of the year is cruel. They'd rather put him in a hole in the ground somewhere with no natural survival skills left. Pretty humane, you dorks!
Granted, Phil's natural instincts have probably been lost to the constant interaction with humans and the man-made habitat, but the people of Punxsutawney did Phil a favor by moving him to the library. He's loved, he doesn't have to worry about being eaten by bobcats, and he definitely won't be roadkill. I'd say that's more humane and shows more consideration for Phil's well-being than what PETA would like done with Phil.
HEY PETA!!! Why not go after other rodents in holes and cry out against gerbilling? After all, the poor little creatures suffer a terrible fate for the pleasure of a human. Why so silent? Forgot...lefties -- in this case the animal rights and gay rights groups -- don't go after each other.
Punxy Phil may not be in his natural habitat, but he's warm, cozy, fed, and loved. LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!
UPDATE -- The furry little critter saw his shadow. Six more weeks of global warming, folks!!!
Yep, six more weeks of winter, *UGH*
The members of PETA are such hypocrites. They care more about animals (sort of-in a backwards kind of way) than humans. I want the tradition of Punxy Phil to continue in the live format as it has been for years. It seems like libs and enviro whackos are against plain old fun.
Teresa: I also like the live format of Groundhog Day. PETA needs to eat a steak and STFU. ;)
um, what would be the point of an animatronic groundhog...would Algore get to control it to decide our fates?
I agree 1000% with ya, KOOK. If they used a robotic groundhog, then Greenpeace would be screaming about the carbon footprint, and then they'd have to scrap the tradition altogether. Yes, it is VERY dumb.
Haven't been here in a while... I dig the new look!
And I couldn't agree with you more. I really dislike PETA. They always manage to find a way to take animal rights WAY too far. Phil is pretty much a pet. And he's trained to be around humans. So replacing Phil with a robot is kind of like replacing Shamu at SeaWorld.
It does suck that we have 6 more weeks of winter tho =/
Thanks, Law. I just can't wait to change the look to a spring theme. :-)
Excellent analogy about Phil! PETA would love to see animals put on the same level, if not above, as humans. While I don't condone cruelty to animals a la Michael Vick, I believe that humans ARE superior.
Nice to see you again!
Come on now,B&G-
Didn't you hear? Because their crap science was discovered, and we all now know that our fair globe has actually started cooling some, the new term is 'climate change'.
This will save them a lot of money on marketing in the future. They had considered changing it to 'global cooling', but realized when temp's began to rise again in a few years (weather and climate is cyclical, people), they would have to scrap all their bumper stickers, t-shirts, airhead Hollywierd ads, etc, and start all over from scratch.
j summett: DUH! I never thought of it that way. I guess that's what happens when you try to apply logic to the ideas of the left. Thanks for the enlightenment! ;)
If Peta wants to pick on rodents in holes, why don't they boycott obummer?
Six more weeks of this weather, yuk we got snow today. I hope you're feeling better.
Feeling a LITTLE better. Thanks, hon!
PETA won't target BHO because they care about snakes! That and he's just as radical in ideology as they are. Thick as thieves, they are.
The only thing PETA is good for is their racy commercials..
Of course, they're only worth it with the sound off, else the message kills the mood...
Sorry about the six more weeks thing. Sunny and 70 here today...
Soloman: I understand what you're saying, pal. I used to think George Clooney was sooooo handsome; then he opened his mouth. End of that!
If I hopped on a plane within the next four hours, I could be there by daybreak to enjoy warm weather once again. Maybe my aunt and uncle in Phoenix wouldn't mind a houseguest...
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